Open Studio / Introduction 2016.3.4 Fri. 17:30 -
Sophie Lindner ソフィー・リンドナー(1990年イエナ生まれ)
Martin Wiesinger マルティン・ヴィジンガー
ソフィー・リンドナーとマルティン・ヴィジンガーは光明寺會舘におけるShort Stay Program 滞在制作期間の最後にオープンスタジオを行います。
【 光明寺會舘学校 vol.10 Open Studio / Introduction 】
日 時 2016年3月4日金曜日 17:30〜20:00
会 場 光明寺會舘 /〒722-0033 広島県尾道市東土堂町2-1
参加費 無料 ワンドリンクオーダーお願いします。
お問い合わせ Mail亀井) Tel / Fax 050-1537-5353
At the end of their short term residency in Onomichi, Sophie Lindner and Martin Wiesinger, currently living in Dresden, Germany, want to give an insight into their artistic work. At Komyoji Kaikan the idea was to visualize the afterimage of their artistic subject by not bringing any material or visible references of their past works.
For now, Martin Wiesinger is picking up landscapes by dousing sheets of paper in inkwater. Within that space, he is asking for protagonists or has-‐been actions.
Planet Saturn and its astronomical phenomena belting him has not just been an object of science but even more an important mental image in the occidental and arabic world. Its ikonography is linked to the feeling and illness of melanquoly for long time. To examine its ikonography and symbolism curtly with plain materials is the core of Sophie Lindner´s work.